Privacy & Policy


Seiho Technos Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") positions the protection of personal information as an important matter and establishes and implements the "Personal Information Protection Policy" as follows.

1. Establishment of internal regulations and continuous improvement

The officers and employees of the Company recognize the importance of personal information protection and establish, implement, maintain, and continuously improve internal regulations to protect personal information.

2. Use and management of personal information

When collecting, using, and providing personal information in accordance with the Company's business content and operational realities, the Company will handle it appropriately in accordance with the regulations established by the Company.

3. Implementation of security measures

The Company establishes regulations and implements security measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of personal information, to ensure that personal information does not leak outside the Company and cause problems by being improperly altered.

4. Respect for rights

The Company respects the rights of individuals regarding personal information, and when requested to disclose, correct, or delete one's own personal information, the Company will respond appropriately in light of social norms and customs.

5. Compliance with laws and regulations

The Company complies with laws and other regulations related to personal information, and all employees understand the importance of personal information protection and implement appropriate handling methods.

October 1st, 2022
Seiho Technos Co., Ltd.
President: Makoto Takahashi