Contact us


If you have any inquiries or need to contact Seiho Technos, please fill in the required fields in the email form below and submit it to us.
Head Office
1102-4 Kozuo, Hikari, Yamaguchi
TEL 0833-48-8868
FAX 0833-48-8268
Hirao Factory
1922-11 Sone, Hirao, Kumage, Yamaguchi
TEL&FAX ※Please contact our head office
Daini-futo Factory
6-1405-15 Nishi Toyoi, Kudamatsu, Yamaguchi
TEL&FAX ※Please contact our head office
Kubo Factory
319 Ekijo, Yamada, Kudamatsu, Yamaguchi
TEL&FAX ※Please contact our head office
Yobisaka Factory
1946-1 Yobisaka, Shunan, Yamaguchi
TEL&FAX ※Please contact our head office
Ofunato Factory
Nihondo-8-1 Sakaricho, Ofunato, Iwate
TEL&FAX ※Please contact our head office